[Financial Services]_

Relevant_ Life_ Policy_ Guide

01 October 21Richard Stott

Are you and your business missing out? 

Most people pay for life insurance on an individual basis. But, if you own or part-own your company, an alternative option exists that could potentially save you thousands of pounds in insurance premiums.

If you’ve got a mortgage, have children or own assets then more likely than not, you’ve got personal protection policies. Even if you’re not a homeowner, anyone with a spouse, a long-term partner or dependents of any kind should consider getting life insurance as a first port of call in the financial planning process.

Neglecting this element of your financial planning can undo the best-laid plans – as without an immediate financial safety net in the event of your death or terminal illness, your loved ones might not see the full benefits of the assets you leave behind

To find out how you could save you 49% on your personal protection please contact Richard Stott or download our Guide to Relevant Life Policies.